
A Letter From a Billionaire

 Dear The People,

 It is one of our ages modern tragedies, the desperation of individuals to belong to the wage-slave force, it sickens me. It really does sicken me, to see one of you begging for a job, begging for corporate enslavement, begging to be on my team. Should not your desperation be for revolution instead of petty opportunities?
Should not your energy be focused on revolting against my billionaire friends and I? Should not your soul be dedicated towards resistance instead of trying to deliberately encage yourself in the corporate bondage chambers?

 You are sick! You, wage slave, are the sick one, not I, you are the sick one because you have become so blinded that you do not see your path. You have become so slavish and so desperate for employment that you have forgotten the true merits of your humanity.  You have become so blinded by your materialistic needs, that a job is your salvation, a job , of course, in my sadistic corporation.

Stand up men! Stand up women! Resist your oppression, of course you never will, you will sit at home waiting for your favorite show to arrive. You are a sick, passive, creature and for that you deserve to be dominated by me and eventually my children. Nothing bothers you, nothing infuriates you, you just sit there and wait like a dog for your pay check and your imaginary promotion. We often laugh at the golf club about people who believe in promotions, the joke is this, what do you call a promoted wage slave? A wage slave!
Sometimes I get bored, I really do, because you present no threat, because you are so fucking docile and stupid. When I was young my father spoke to me of class struggle, and I looked forward to it, to crushing the poor, but instead nothing happens. Nothing happens at all, I just sit there in my office raking in billions from your sweat and labor while you go on imagining that you’re free.
It is simple, wage slave, really simple, the formula is this: half your day is spent slaving, the other half in front of the television imagining you are free.

 I love you, wage slave, I really do, because without you, I could not sustain such a lavish, albeit, meaningless lifestyle.

 A Billionaire

reposted from


If that's what it takes...

Season's end...
...wars and rebellions, depression and recession, economic and cultural breakdown, instability, fear, lost of hope and faith. Is this all we got from last year? For some of us maybe yes.

But I can still hear the voices of you, fighters. I can still feel the heart of you, lovers. I can still breathe the hope of you, dreamers. I can still sense the prayers of you, faithful. And the solidarity, and the help, and the sympathy, of you brothers and sisters. And I am still in love. With you and everything that we can achieve together. But mostly with our Destination.

Things will change, again and again. Whatever we gain will be lost as history shows us. The road to happiness is in front of us though, paved with love and humility. It is longer that you would expect but it worths the effort.

We are not anonymous. We do not forget but we do forgive. Smile and keep on straight through the fog. If that's what it takes, that's what we'll do.

Merry Christmas to you all and a bright new year! 

Photo by National Geographic


Peaceful Warrior

"None are more hopelessly enslaved that those who falsely believe they are free"

All we know things are bad, even worse than that! I don't have to tell you things are bad. They're crazy. Everybody knows things are bad. It's a depression. Everybody's out of work or scared of losing their job. The euro and the dollar are hyper-inflated, stones have more value than them, banks and financial  are going bust, shopkeepers keep a gun under the counter. Occupy movements are running wild in the street and there's nobody anywhere who seems to know what to do, and there's no end to it. Besides of this, we know the air is unfit to breathe and our food is unfit to eat, and in the meantime you sit watching your TV's while some national newscaster tells you that today we had thousands of kids dying of starvation, eleven homicides and thirty-three violent crimes, as if that's the way it's supposed to be.  It's like everything everywhere is going crazy. You sit in the house, and slowly the world you are living in is getting smaller, and all you say is, "At least leave me alone in my living room. Please, let me have my iPhone and my TV set and my new brand car with steel belted radials and I won't say anything. Just leave me alone." Bread and circuses to the sheeple.

Well, I'm not gonna leave you alone. I want you to get mad! I don't want you to protest. I don't want you to riot. I don't want you to write to your parlament because I wouldn't know what to tell you to write. I don't know what to do about the depression and the inflation and Al-Qaeda and the Russians and the crime in the street. All I know is that first you've got to get mad. You've got to say, "I'm a HUMAN BEING, Goddamnit! My life has VALUE!"


Pity the nation...

Pity the nation that is full of beliefs and empty of religion.
Pity the nation that wears a cloth it does not weave,
eats a bread it does not harvest,
and drinks a wine that flows not from its own wine-press.
Pity the nation that acclaims the bully as hero,
and that deems the glittering conqueror bountiful.
Pity a nation that despises a passion in its dream,
yet submits in its awakening.
Pity the nation that raises not its voice
save when it walks in a funeral,
boasts not except among its ruins,
and will rebel not save when its neck is laid
between the sword and the block.
Pity the nation whose statesman is a fox,
whose philosopher is a juggler,
and whose art is the art of patching and mimicking.
Pity the nation that welcomes its new ruler with trumpeting,
and farewells him with hooting,
only to welcome another with trumpeting again.
Pity the nation whose sages are dumb with years
and whose strong men are yet in the cradle.
Pity the nation divided into into fragments,
each fragment deeming itself a nation.

Khalil Gibran 
 published in 1933 in
The Garden of the Prophet


Educate your soul!

Dear teachers/professors,
  • I came out alive from the concentration camps,
  • My eyes saw things, that a human's eye should not see,
  • I saw gas chambers constructed by well educated engineers,
  • I saw childred getting poisoned by excellent educated doctors,
  • I saw babies getting killed by well educated nurses,
  • I saw women and babies getting assasinated and thrown to fire by university graduates,
  • This is what I saw, and this is why I am skeptical regarding education,
  • Now, there's one thing I ask from you, teachers : Help your students to become HUMANS! The efforts of the teachers should never result to educated monsters, psychopaths with diplomas, graduate Eichmanns.
Reading, writing and mathematics worth only, when they contribute so as our children to become humans!

Letter from a prisoner in Dachau concentration camp


The Verb

 “The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but
shorter tempers, wider Freeways, but narrower viewpoints. We spend more,
but have less, we buy more, but enjoy less. We have bigger houses and
smaller families, more conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees
but less sense, more knowledge, but less judgment, more experts, yet more
problems, more medicine, but less wellness.

We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little,
drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too
little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom. We have multiplied our
possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and
hate too often.

We've learned how to make a living, but not a life. We've added years to
life not life to years. We've been all the way to the moon and back, but
have trouble crossing the street to meet a new neighbor. We conquered outer
space but not inner space. We've done larger things, but not better things.

We've cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul. We've conquered the atom,
but not our prejudice. We write more, but learn less. We plan more, but
accomplish less. We've learned to rush, but not to wait. We build more
computers to hold more information, to produce more copies than ever, but we
communicate less and less.

These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion, big men and small
character, steep profits and shallow relationships.

These are the days of two incomes but more divorce, fancier houses, but
broken homes. These are days of quick trips, disposable diapers, throwaway
morality, one night stands, overweight bodies, and pills that do everything
from cheer, to quiet, to kill. It is a time when there is much in the
showroom window and nothing in the stockroom. A time when technology can
bring this letter to you, and a time when you can choose either to share
this insight, or to just hit delete...

Remember, to spend some time with your loved ones, because they are not
going to be around forever. Remember, say a kind word to someone who looks
up to you in awe, because that little person soon will grow up and leave
your side.

Remember, to give a warm hug to the one next to you, because that is the
only treasure you can give with your heart and it doesn't cost a cent.

Remember, to say, "I love you" to your partner and your loved ones, but most
of all mean it. A kiss and an embrace will mend hurt when it comes from
deep inside of you.

Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person might not be there again. Give time to love, give time to speak! And give time to share the precious thoughts in your mind.”
 George Carlin

Survival of the shittest

Some survive on the streets
For there is where their power towers,

Some survive with the market
For there is where their scheming flowers,

Some adobe in others wits
For there is where that god fits,

Some just sit and get all the fodder
For there is where comes the power of Order

And then there are those who
look, listen, learn and forget
Because that is mankind's safest bet.

Stencil graffito by Meek - 'Begging for Change'


Change your words... Change your world!

Words will hurt and words will heal,
    will hide in owe, will shine in weal.
Words of love or words of hate,
root beneath, what seems as real.

 Inside the dark, sweet words of lust
golden words, yet full of rust.
 You, me and Faith, will make a change,
to save a prayer, for what will last.

Yes, words can change, indeed they change
as we move on, in laughs and tears,
beyond what still, remains unclear 
there lies Hope, to ease the fear.

Let it be words, that'll seal the gate
to royal blood, prescribed as fate.
Let it be words, as stars so clear,
that'll burst our hearts, before it's late.



Believe! That's not what we are meant for...

People of the world... for how much longer are we gonna keep on dreaming?
For how much longer, are we gonna bury our hopes under fake promises and silly questions?
For how much longer, She and He will keep on straying from their One path?
For how much longer, we'll deny the joy and love we are meant to share?
For how much longer, we'll walk divided?
For how much longer, consuming will rule over donating, having sex over loving, taking over giving?
For how much longer, we'll make plans for a life that already has one?
For how much longer, we'll fill our hearts with sins and lies?
For how much longer, we'll keep on staying in the cave, ignoring the holy voices?
For how much longer, we'll be in today's prison?

Plato placed the philosophers in position to exit the cave and return to pass the message of the superior life  we can achieve, to the people inside.
I'd say it is not on the philosophers. It's on everybody!

Break the chains, flee and return pure for your brothers and sisters of the world...
They need you.
We all need you!


Let it be...

Let it be black. Funeral veil, of weep and salvation.
Let it be darkness. Where soul's eyes gain control.
Let it be pain. Deep and persisting, uncured by time.
Let it be cold. Every time the thought tears the mind.
Let it be remorse. For the lost, never to be found.
Let them be lost. Dreams and endless conversations.
Let it be fear. Back to the start again.
Let it be sadness. What could have happened?
Let it be persistance. What can happen? 
Let it be the lesson. Faith's poetic analysis.
Let it be the beginning. The clock's end backwards.
Let it be music. A circle's soundtrack.
Let it be light. Of the only way.
Let it be white. Pure and holy path.
Let her be white.
Let her be fine.
Let her be.
Let us all be.


Painting by Petrus Christus -Annunciation


Hypocrisy... into the mirror black...

Nowadays, it is indeed an art being a hypocrite... Were we still waiting for THIS proof though, to understand that we are being governed by such artists? At least, something seems moving... Can't decide yet to which direction and to be honest I am afraid that it is not towards the good one... We are fed up of everything, I know, but we have to have a PLAN! And there is a huge gap there... We need change and revolutions against the poverty, the diseases and the misery of the 70% of our world and not a revolution from our safe and warm ''civilized'' hometowns (yes they are SAFE and WARM) against 'I don't know what but it is cool'... I am afraid again, that this could be really dangerous... take a look at the police forces everywhere in the world... their reactions... if we have nothing solid and important to demand we just give food to their police state to grow bigger and bigger until total control...

So let's think a bit more before we act... Dip your tongues in your brains before you talk... Find reasons to react by comparing yourselves to the majority of this planet... Look in the mirror, and wash with Truth, the hypocrisy off your own face too...

Keep the Faith



When the children cry...

I will not say a lot... I'd rather leave the video speak for itself along with the lyrics below... So just a few words: Children of the world, do not obey, do not settle, do not fear, do not lose hope... People of the world please wake up, see what have we done, start your personal revolution and understand (at last, UNDERSTAND) what are we living for...  The time is NOW - It has always been NOW....

When the children cry by White Lion:

Little child
Dry your crying eyes
How can I explain
The fear you feel inside

'Cause you were born
Into this evil world
Where man is killing man
And no one knows just why

What have we become
Just look what we have done
All that we destroyed
You must build again

When the children cry
Let them know we tried
'Cause when the children sing
Then the new world begins

Little child
You must show the way
To a better day
For all the young

'Cause you were born
For the world to see
That we all can live
With love and peace

No more presidents
And all the wars will end
One united world
Under God

When the children cry
Let them know we tried
'Cause when the children sing
Then the new world begins

What have we become
Just look what we have done
All that we destroyed
You must build again

No more presidents
And all the wars will end
One united world
Under God

When the children cry
Let them know we tried
'Cause when the children fight
Let them know it ain't right

When the children pray
Let them know the way
'Cause when the children sing

Then the new world begins..!
 lyrics by Tramp, Bratta


To wherever you may are...to whoever you wanna be

It is funny how things come around... We are living day by day, ignorant about tomorrow. Feels like our mind is made to forget. But still, things do come around... they repeat themselves like history does. Have we learned something though? Are we getting wiser and more experienced? I am not sure... We keep on falling in the same holes, trapped in our golden routine, digging deeper our early graves. I found lately some lyrics i used to write when I was 16... 

Years passed like a burning match, and I'm still here trapped into this damned routine. I wanna get away I'm gonna get away but when? Want a vision need a dream, I search into reality-nothing found. Sins all over the world fools with nothing to trust, running is their lives-do it right do it fast. No need to think no will to think, money and pleasure what they seek but I’ve decided I wont be like them I’ll live my life to the fullest, for my personal 'carpe diem'.

Heh, they may sound funny but imagine I was 16! And now 12 years later nothing's changed... well I guess as the song says ' I got something for all you faithful out there'...

We got to think more. We got to act more. We got to live more. That's a constant reminder for all of us... we are here to fight constantly and that's what we have to do! No, it is not a drawback of our miserable lives as they present it... it is our destiny!

Think about it! We will have years and years of non-existence or super-existence after this... Let's make the most out of it now by helping and fighting for our lives and our dignity!

Anyhow, what gives you bigger pleasure than a fight that you win?

Think about it!

Don't let another 12 years pass like that. (reminder to myself I suppose...)

Keep the Faith!


Video by Bon Jovi performing Someday I'll Be Saturday Night.
(C) 1994 The Island Def Jam Music Group


If you want to call youself a Human...

If you want to call youself a Human,
you will never stop fighting for peace and justice.
You will go on the streets, you will scream, your lips will bleed from the screams,
your face will bleed from the bullets but no step back.
Every scream is a stone on the windows of the warpigs
every gesture is like you demolish injustice.
And be careful : don't you ever lose your mind.
Think a bit of your childhood and you'll let thousand children
minced while playing unsuspected in the towns
if you look the sunset even for a single moment
tomorrow people will be dying in the night of war
if you, just for a moment, stop to dream
a million human dreams will become ashes under the shellbombs.
You do not have time,
you do not have time for yourself,
if you want to call yourself a Human.

If you want to call yourself a Human,
may need to leave your mother,your beloved one or your child.
You will not hesitate.
You will denounce your lamp and your bread
you will denounce the evening rest at your home
for the rough road which leads to tomorrow.
Nothing will cause your fear.
I know, it is beautiful to listen to a harmonica at night,
to stare a star, to dream,
it is beautiful, bended over the red mouth of your love, to listen to her dreams for the future.
But you, you have to say goodbye to all these and to begin,
because you are responsible for all the harmonicas of the world,for all the stars,
for all the lamps and for all the dreams,
if you want to call yourself a Human.

If you want to call yourself a Human,
it may be necessary to go in jail for twenty or more years,
but you, even in jail, you will always remember the spring, your mother, the world.
You, even from the one meter square cell of yours,
you will keep on your route on earth.
And when, during the utmost silence, at night
you will knock the wall of your cell with the finger
from the other side Spain will answer you.
You, no matter the years passed or your grey hair,
you will not getting old.
You even in prison every morning
you will dawn younger
because new struggles we will start in the world
if you want to call yourself a Human.

If you want to call youself a Human,
it will be necessary to be able to die one, whichever, morning.
At night in isolation you will write a big sweet letter to your mother,
you will write the date on the wall, your initials and one word:
Peace - like you have written the story of your life.
To be able to die one, whichever, morning,
to be able to stand in front of the six rifles
like you stood in front of the whole future.
To be able, above the burst that kills you,
to hear the millions of simple people who, singing, fight for peace.

If you want to call yourself a Human. 

Tasos Leivaditis (1922 – 1988)


Welcome to reality...Debtocracy is here, obey!

On the video up-right click on subtitles-english 
Sur la video cliquer sur 'subtitles' - FR

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free...

Rise Up! Keep the Faith! 


A little bit of Soul...

Brothers and Sisters, thats what we are...

For how long vanity will rule our lifes? Isnt it the time to make the next step and understand our role in this time-limited life?
What is your goal? To get rich?  To make a happy family ? To be happy? Do you have in mind that as everything in this world you are gonna die? Whatever you own
will no longer be yours. It was never yours. No my friends, 'do whatever you can and want cause we're all gonna die' is not a path to be followed..I have to be cruel..
If there is nothing afterlife, there is NO point trying to build a better world...If void is waiting us, why should I care for my children - I will be nothing after my death
so inevitably I will not give a damn! It is a paradox! And really, i find it really not-clever to believe that we were born out of nothing, to live a life of 60-70-80 years and then
return to nothingness!!! What's the point ????  Well, My point is that life is more than this. You can feel it everytime you are helping someone or someone else is helping you without gain - that small little moment that
happiness and joy fills your very body and soul. These moments give us a sign of what's to come - what's to be lived...And these moments clearly point that our vanity
misleads us to wrong paths where this connection with eachother-nature-God-whatever is lost. And the lives of the poor,the sick,the innocent or the homeless are full of these moments...I wonder
about ours...

You are not living in this world only for your children or for planet Earth, but mostly for your Soul...Yes you got one...

Believe in It...Fight for It!

Peace and Love


Painting by Anne Francois Louis Janmot - 'The Poem of the Soul On the Mountain'


Looking back and forth through world's polarity

No need to hear your voice when I can talk about you better than you can speak about yourself. Only tell me about your pain. I want to know your story, I want to know your story and tell it back in a new way. Tell it back to you in such a way that It has become mine, my own. Rewriting you I will rewrite myself anew. I m still author, authority. I’m still colonizer , the speaking subject”.

This is a quote by Bell Hooks(popular postcolonial writer) in his effort to demonstrate the binary opposition of we –they , where in the one extreme position stands the Europeans and generally the West culture and in the other the East or the Orient, respectively.

Using this argument as a starting point, we’ll try to investigate briefly the roots and the influence of Eurocentric perception when making accounts or speak about the different cultures of the world.

Firstly, it is essential to examine the connection of politics and theory and theory here, stands for literary criticism, the language of the most popular books we read and teach, the discourse used by the university teachers, the material chosen to be presented in the class, the language of mass media etc. There is a widely admitted view that wants theory and especially the academic theory “as the realm of culturally and socially privileged”. Such an assumption is damaging, as it keeps theory and politics separated from each other, thus isolated from reality. The act of writing should be treated and viewed as a highly political activity, as an inseparable unity, because theory is always ideologically motivated and charged. Consequently, it is important to overcome any kind of binary fixity and investigate the possibility of a cultural politics that avoids politics of polarity and questions the established categorization. Moreover we need to erase the popular binarism between Orient (east) and Occident (west) world in terms of culture as it’s not only ahistorical but also intentional. It is intentional because the academic language is used as another mean of power producing a discourse of the “Other” reinforcing even more the disportionate influence of the West. What’s our response to H.Bhabha’s question “Are the interests of Western theory necessarily collusive with the hegemonic role of the West as a power bloc?”. And differently worded, what is at stake in the naming of theory as Western?

The response is obvious, by doing so, institutional power and ideological Eurocentricity immediately occur. No matter that many writers acknowledge and respect eastern cultures , many times they fail to confront the “other” as the active agent of articulation. They treat it as the periphery rather than the centre. The voice of the these people may be quoted or cited but it’s always considered secondary, valuable for comparisons, contradictions or when needed to point the differences. So, once again it’s a matter of vital importance to overcome the fixed opposition of the either-or and pass to both-and, whenever we speak about another culture or people from other countries. The East cultures have so many things to present in terms of history, philosophy, art, civilization and it is our responsibility to let them speak about themselves, because they know better and more. Let’s stop for a while and let them define themselves and their own identities instead of perpetuating predefined irrational ideas. The Western thinking underestimates the value of Orient and the only way to be heart is to be hidden in a western costume expressing opinions in English. The European-American discourse inevitably brings the colonizer’s perspective.

Undoubtedly, during the colonizing times and the initial explorations of the East and the New World , Europeans brought back and disseminated to their metropolis stories of savage people, they channel led these reports into the discourse of time, thus influenced the writers, who influenced the readers for centuries until present days. Consequently, in the melting pot of time Europeans came to consider themselves superior, taking forgranded their cultural supremacy. Inevitably, the Western dominance got more and more empowered leaving no space for any other culture to flourish and jeopardizing the future world knowledge too. As a chain reaction , the thoughts became words in the mouth of colonizer , the words gave rise to practice and practice turned into prejudice ,that has the tendency to remain unchanged, even in case of contradictory information. These views were adopted by military and economically dominant cultures ,portraying the East inferior and Other. So, what is to be done? What we can do in order not to think about ie. India as just a place with nice carpets ? The reexamination of history, the rereading of the 18th and 19th c.writers adopting a critical view and of course the creation of culture from a luminal space from the in between space. A hybrid culture that will be free from Colonizer and Colonized. We need to understand that there is no pure culture in the world, simply because any culture can’t stand in isolation , unaffected and sufficient enough to define itself without taking characteristics of any other tradition. The emergence of new culture concepts without oppressor and oppressed ,dominant and embedded culture can stop the monolithic interpretations . This way we “may elude the politics of polarity and emerge as the others of our selves”.


What do you see? ( For the worldwide day of Poetry)

Many years after the Sin that was called Virtue into the churches and it was blessed.
Remains of old stars and spidery corners of the sky scanned by the Storm that will be born from the human mind. And by paying the projects of the ancient governors, the Build will shudder.Riot will fall in Hades and the scaffold will fall back by the great pressure of the Sun that will first keep its rays - sign that is the time for the Dreams to take revenge and then it will talk and say :

-Exiled Poet, in your century, say what do you see?

-I see the nations arrogant before, surrendered now to the wasp and the sorrel. I see the chippers in the air blasting busts of Emperors and Generals. I see the merchants bending to collect the profit of their own corpses. I see the sequence of the hidden meanings...

Remains of old stars and spidery corners of the sky scanned by the Storm that will be born from the human mind. But before behold, it will take generations to plow over the barren land. And secretly the Governors will count their human merchandise, declaring wars , where the gendarme and the military judge will cloy leaving the gold to the inconspicuous people, those to get the payment of insult and martyrdom. And large ships will raise up flags, marches will get the streets, the balconies will throw flowers to the winner , who will live in the smell of the corpses...and the mouth of the pit close to him will be opened by the darkness up to its measures, croaking :

-Exiled Poet, in your century, say what do you see?

-I see the military judges burning like candles at the large table of the Ressurection. I see the gendarmerie giving their blood as sacrifice to the purity of heavens. I see the continuous revolution of plants and flowers. I see up into the skies the Erechtheion of the birds.

And by paying the projects of the ancient governors the Build will shudder.Riot will fall in Hades and the scaffold will fall back by the great pressure of the sun. But before,behold, young people will moan and their blood will grow old without a reason. Pale and weak years will come into bandage.And each shall have a few grams of happiness. And the things in each shall already be beautiful ruins.Then having no other exile, where the Poet to lament, pouring out from his open chest the heald of the Storm, he shall lean to stand into the beautiful ruins.

And his First Word the Last of the Men shall speak:

Τhe grass to grow tall, the Woman at his side to emerge like a Sunbeam and again He shall adore the Woman and He shall lay Her on the grass, according to the order of things.
And the Dreams shall take revenge and they shall sow Generations Forever and Ever...

Odysseas Elytis
"Worthy it is(Αξιον Εστί), 1959


Living On The Edge...

Rebellions and civil wars in North Africa and the arabic countries, economic depression in south Europe, natural devastations in Japan and Australia, poverty, injustice, wars everywhere, more to a few- less to a lot. Thats our world my brothers and sisters. Is it only me that I feel we are on the edge? One step away from a radical explosion worldwide? Yes, I know that humanity had a lot of these 'explosions' throughout the years. But now is different. Globalization has taken its toll in our lifes and noone is deconnected from each other. A critical decision in China will affect Canada in a DAY not in a month. Internet provides almost real time exchange of information so that people can react immediatelly. And people can be manipulated also in seconds. That is the point. Here is where we have been leading to. Global manipulation , global depression of our rights, global management of everything, global government of our lives. Please dont stick on details. Yes globalization has its positive facts as everything in the world so far...But if you are not blinkered it is more than obvious that the real deal and the real benefits are not for us but for the few.
If you hopefully understand this, you can connect the things happening nowadays in the world. Instability everywhere, people have lost hope for a better future in most of the countries, the faith in the current political systems is decreasing day by day, while no alternatives occur anymore! Yes, yes, again there are people trying, there are organisations that think, but νothing big, nothing new, nothing radical. Thats the biggest goal of the system we are living in. To destroy cultures,religions,local systems of beliefs and organisation in favor of their plan. The creation of a global system for everyone, that they will NOT imply on us but WE will ask for it. It's like our democracy dudes! They tell you that you have the power to elect and change everything, while all the parties are the same,controlled by higher powers,financed by the global monsters and in the end serving their purposes and not their peoples ones. Isnt it?? Thats exactly what they are trying to do in a global scale. And they are close to it! Open your eyes and minds, its there... I do not want to propagandize for anything and I know that many of you will laugh with all these.I do not care.I got nothing to lose and nothing to win. And so do YOU. But that's a different story - maybe we ll talk about it soon....For now,I just need to say to all, these : 
Ηave your senses ON, read alternatively, gather with people and talk about all these, search in your hearts for the truth, be active, be strong, be as a human being , free and unchained.

I wish i am wrong, but if im not, please remember these words and do not fall on your knees.

Keep the Faith  



Mankind's Gift

I wish I was a bird 
and fly free over borders and spread the joy of discovery,
I wish I was the river 
and touch the lands of different religions and sects with equal purity,
I wish I was the wind 
and could flow through the hearts of all men alike spreading the message of brotherhood,
For I was born as a man simple and innocent but mankind gave me the gift of unlearning;
and learning pride, jealousy, hatred and condescension.


Think Different...Think of the World...

Think different...think outside the norms...fight the establishment for this is what holds us back...You don't have to be a genius, you don't have to be different, you don't have to be rich or lucky ... It worths trying my brothers...It worths taking the risk my sisters...It's a moment of agony and despare that can boost our actual ego...We need to take life in our hands we need to act we need to DO something...Don't let it to others, it's US it was US and it will be only US...Help,Love,Pray alone or together it doesn't matter...Take the chance now before it's too late before life sucks Life from your soul...

Let us all discover what Real Life is....

"Because the people who are crazy  enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do..."


Wisdom Lost - Wisdom Found

There was a time when I was wise
clean as an eagle, a son and child,
afraid of bonds though small I was
drowning in deserts, dry.
Dry like this and pure came the time,
that blew and scattered my virgin life.
But what I've lived then and beyond,
just circles teased, not to insult,
man's eternal waves, which now dead he sails.
Thus, a decision did I take.
To live for ever and wherever strong.
To fight for our own fate.
To love the most, to love the most.
And to remember through our troubled kids, 
of who I was - my wisdom lost.
