

It takes years...and it's never without consequences...Change was always there, inevitably and unpredictably... No, I am not writing Obama's next electoral speech... I am talking about real change in our societies, minds and consequently lives... 

It took some centuries to the Neanderthal man to change...and wow that was a big one! From a cave seeking, barbar talking creature he transformed again and again to a form of life where logic and spirituality would boost the changing process into unimaginable speeds... Say hello to today! Humanity is no longer waiting for a change...everyday is facing a new one. Technology may be the easiest example to support this argument, though there is not a single sector of our lives that stops changing. Food supplies, natural resources usage, medical treatments, psychological theories, love and hate, war and peace, transportation and housing, education and entertainment are subjects of its tremendous power. Just look to newspapers 100 years back, (or even 30), and I am sure you will agree. So now that we all agree ( I suppose) to the real fact that the world is changing extremely fast nowadays being a continuation of just an older slower process, think about this :

What is the only thing remained almost unchanged for lets say the last 50 years? No it is neither your husband's beer belly nor your wife's after sex talking habit (im pretty sure anyways, both have just raised exponentially)... Well, let's see...

Back in the previous century new economical theories were proposing new standards for our society... From Marx and Engels to Smith and the french philosophers, change took its place in the base of our societies and the way we think about their structure. People tried these theories, played a bit with them, even changed them proposing (and imposing sometimes) their own versions. Some of these versions got well established – others not, but all of them were products of people who believed to change and made it happen. Yes, this tranformed our societies. Now, we can not even imagine how this world looked like before these theories were put in action. Were they good enough? Do they still apply today? Is it the way to go on? Well, surely you will agree that they have their plus and minus. Good enough, could be for some – surely not for everyone though (remember this point it is essential). Yes they do apply – I mean everything can be applied in the end. Is it the way to go on? Hmm...

Let's say I am a farmer in central Africa... Having my country, occupied, colonised, torn apart by civil wars and extreme poverty, sold and resold to foreign (or domestic) enterpreneurs, makes my farm a tiny grain of sand that will be eatten alive. Will it be tomorrow or in a few years, it's just a matter of bad timing (in terms of another crisis) or greedy expansion (in terms of monopoly strategies). There is no way for me to stay on my feet and make a living out of my farm if external powers decide so. What about a union of farms? Sure, chances are better but what make you really think that you stand a chance against Monsanto or other agriculture monsters? You are to them exactly the same as this piece of feta is to me right now... an appetizer... What about a Party that will control and own the farms in the name of the people? Sure, Monsanto will never be allowed to play its games but the Party will create its own – sometimes even worse than the previous ones. Attention now! As mentioned before, this system of aggresive economy and open market policies, or full state control run by state officials can, will and does work for some people! You can easily become a puppet of the global or domestic elit, and eat your part of the cheese. Well guess what! It does not work for me!

It does not work for me for a simple reason. My idea of an ideal society is based on ethics and solidarity. What ethics do you expect from corporate people that dream of profits?? Which solidarity you seek in a system where you life is on the hands of over-powered officials that are bound to be corrupted??

Still in 2013, we struggle inside these same systems. Isn't it about time for a breakthrough?? For a new philosophy of economy and political relations that will make the establishment tremble?

Education-again is to play the most important role in this change. Solidarity can be taught as well as ethics among the people of the world. Each nation has such a rich library of religious or philosophical writings that include almost the same values. How can you be indifferent of poverty if you are a christian? How can you compete for profit if you are a muslim? How can you close you eyes on war crimes if you are a hindu or a budhist? Yet, we live our lifes like modern zombies, trying to make more money, travel a bit, eat a lot, drink when we can. How do you expect society to change if we are acting like that? The homo-consumius can not be our future! We need a system of love, solidarity and basic human ethics where money are a mean of transaction and not a goal of life. A system where paying a fortune for dinner while children starving would be madness! A system where the little farmer can have his self-sustainable farm and provide his society with its goods not for profit but by love and solidarity.

How can we make the change happen? Think, read and write your ideas. Get educated and educate your circle. Discuss for things that matter over things that cost.

That's what it takes. That's how they did it. That's our time.

If not now, when?? If not us, who??? 


Artwork by Lori Spray

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