
So this is Christmas...

''So this is Christmas.. and what have you done?'' the famous tune goes... Is it time to redefine our lifes or reboot them? Believers or not, Christmas is a sign of the Restart, the New Beginning, the Hope beneath everyday's struggle. It is a day of human feelings - the true feelings that protest our nature... and all these feelings can all fit in one beautiful word called Love... 

Believers or not, the Christmas spirit is inside us... Wherever you are, with whoever you may pass these days, the spirit of sharing, offering from the heart, helping and donating unconditionally love is here, and even only for these few days, gives a glimpse of how humanity should move on to another state of mind. I will not comment on the parasitic features of this spirit - concerning consuming etc - that as always are features of a system we have created and aims to make profit out of everything. The One message is that through the years, we the humans are still in need of days of love and solidarity that enrich us with the Hope of a better life to come... and as time passes for me too, I am still certain that this is the only way to go, the only goal worth living, the only dream I can still witness and smile each time I see these two words in action. 

How much better would our life be, if we'd have been living all year like Christmas time... 

Till next year, I wish we keep this spirit for a bit longer... Then wishes of peace, love and harmony would be useless, as we would live under these natural laws. 

Till next year, I wish you all, my brothers and sisters, to chase the life you deserve... Hang on Hope and let's take humanity one step beyond... 

Peace and Love,



  1. i love you my friend! with true love <3 my best wishes,and next year lets hope we will be together!1

  2. Love back!! true one hehe ;) We will dont worry! :)

  3. Kales texan giortares dude!
