
Educate your soul!

Dear teachers/professors,
  • I came out alive from the concentration camps,
  • My eyes saw things, that a human's eye should not see,
  • I saw gas chambers constructed by well educated engineers,
  • I saw childred getting poisoned by excellent educated doctors,
  • I saw babies getting killed by well educated nurses,
  • I saw women and babies getting assasinated and thrown to fire by university graduates,
  • This is what I saw, and this is why I am skeptical regarding education,
  • Now, there's one thing I ask from you, teachers : Help your students to become HUMANS! The efforts of the teachers should never result to educated monsters, psychopaths with diplomas, graduate Eichmanns.
Reading, writing and mathematics worth only, when they contribute so as our children to become humans!

Letter from a prisoner in Dachau concentration camp

1 comment:

  1. πόσο δίκαιο έχει το κείμενο..δυστυχώς θα έπρεπε να προηγείται η παιδεία και μετά η μάθηση.Γι'αυτό λέγονται εκπαιδευτικοί, αλλά το σύστημα προάγει τη "γνώση" σκέτη..
