
A little bit of Soul...

Brothers and Sisters, thats what we are...

For how long vanity will rule our lifes? Isnt it the time to make the next step and understand our role in this time-limited life?
What is your goal? To get rich?  To make a happy family ? To be happy? Do you have in mind that as everything in this world you are gonna die? Whatever you own
will no longer be yours. It was never yours. No my friends, 'do whatever you can and want cause we're all gonna die' is not a path to be followed..I have to be cruel..
If there is nothing afterlife, there is NO point trying to build a better world...If void is waiting us, why should I care for my children - I will be nothing after my death
so inevitably I will not give a damn! It is a paradox! And really, i find it really not-clever to believe that we were born out of nothing, to live a life of 60-70-80 years and then
return to nothingness!!! What's the point ????  Well, My point is that life is more than this. You can feel it everytime you are helping someone or someone else is helping you without gain - that small little moment that
happiness and joy fills your very body and soul. These moments give us a sign of what's to come - what's to be lived...And these moments clearly point that our vanity
misleads us to wrong paths where this connection with eachother-nature-God-whatever is lost. And the lives of the poor,the sick,the innocent or the homeless are full of these moments...I wonder
about ours...

You are not living in this world only for your children or for planet Earth, but mostly for your Soul...Yes you got one...

Believe in It...Fight for It!

Peace and Love


Painting by Anne Francois Louis Janmot - 'The Poem of the Soul On the Mountain'

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