This line is from Charles Montgomery Burns, the epitome of the evil businessman as thought by the creators of the Simpsons. I laugh a lot whenever I watch this episode. But what makes it even funnier is the irony that one of the most watched television series in the world is making people laugh by exploiting their own misery. I do not know if we are (the vast majority of humanity) blind, ignorant, indifferent or just plain stupid. It is happening right now, in front of our eyes, and we are doing nothing but obliviously “watching” a few white collar thieves take control of our own lives, handling us like puppets.
I am not going to waste my time, and yours, ranting about how a few dozen bankers control the destiny of the world. Thank God we live in a day and age where any type of information can be easily found in a matter of seconds. Maybe instead of watching that Family Guy episode for the 123th time, surfing the net searching the next porn video which will desensitize your already fried brain, or losing hours of your time browsing through youtube or facebook maybe you could do a little research and start to question some of the things that are happening in front of your eyes. But no, your brain has not been educated to think this way. So, why does this happen?
For some reason, for which I have not yet found an answer, men have continuously tried to enslave other men. The best example for me is the Catholic Church. They were and, whether you see it or not, continue to be successful at controlling people. At the beginning, their power was acquired through holding the vast majority of the population uneducated and illiterate. Any type of scientific progress was vilified and punished severely. The Catholic Church was against scientific progress for the sole reason that it took power away from them. They used fear (see any similarities today?) coupled with cruel punishments to control the population, that was what the “Santa” Inquisición was for ( I have still to fond what is saint in torturing and killing people). This worked extremely well for a couple of hundred years. In my opinion, their downfall in trying to control the world was the idea that they could stop progress. The people that are trying to control the world nowadays are much smarter; they have managed to create a society that is inherently slaved without knowing! You have to take your hat off to them. Think of it for a second. If you were born in the western world, from the moment you come out of your mother’s womb you have already been set some expectations. Normally, whether you like it or not because no one will ask you, you are sent to school before you can even talk. It is like sending you to the army, schools, from kindergarten up to post-doctoral studies, are designed to prepare you to serve the social establishment we are living in, without questioning if it is the best establishment.
My first attempt at trying to understand economics did not happen until college. It was the first time I was introduced to the mathematics behind our current economic system. My professor was a PhD in economics with a vast knowledge and experience in the economic policies of the western world. This class was a brief, basic introduction of how capitalism works. I remember that I was shocked at what I was hearing and observing. In order for capitalism to work, it needs unemployment. Economical crises are supposed to happen in capitalism. Really? What the fuck is this about? I was even more astounded when I saw the other 23 idiots in the class nodding stupidly and just taking notes. Are you kidding me? Say something god damnit! Why is the system like this? Why can we not try a more fair system? Ah no! Fuck it, the only reason these idiots are taking this class is because they have to. They will take notes, pass the exam and forget whatever the fuck it is they learned. The only reason they are getting the fuckin degree anyways is to go work for a company and make a shit load of money. Why? Because this is what is expected from them, from everyone. Succes means how much money you have. This is the fucking, no-good, soulless society we have been born in. And the people who run this society have been clever enough to make it seem the perfect society so that no one will ask questions.
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