

You fail….you lose….you got sick…you struggle….WHY?
I am sure you have raised your hands so many times asking …WHYYYY??? haha! I am sorry for the laughter but to WHOM are you pointing your question???  To God?  To me??  To the universe??  Let’s say that you don’t believe in gods and stuff….so consequently your question has no answer!! You fail, lose, struggle because it has just happened!!! The guy next to you is in perfect shape, his pockets full of money , and has no worries compare to yours! So…..what is happening?? You still asking why aren’t you? Maybe this is not the right question…..Lets now say that you believe to God-whoever God we don’t care here….So your ultimate question goes to Him! But…who are you that you will ask God WHY??? Because He wants it like this! For sure he is gonna have his reasons…and by believing to Him you have to accept His will….Not to mention that if your God is one of the good ones you should know that whatever he does,it is for your good because His love is countless….So again…..you ask the wrong question!!
At least now we have a clue that no matter who you are and what you believe the question to your life’s biggest problems is not WHY!! I am not here to manipulate you….I will just try to see if there is something better to do rather than asking Why to the air-God-whatever…
So…I will use the example of poverty….let's assume that you are poor in this extend (the real,deep,unsustainable poverty is a HUGE issue but for now let's stick on this)…you make it through everyday, you have food, a house to live but you have absolutely no access to the ‘entertaining’ area created from the system….sometimes your life seems miserable,especially when you compare it to all the other ‘civilised’ people, that have the opportunities to do whatever they want whenever they need it.
Is this the truth? Are they really able to have whatever they need ?
Yes of course, I will use LOVE as a first example… But its not only that they cant buy love -as The Beatles once sung – it goes deeper… Money and getting involved to their system that produces money connects everything to the consuming power of   a human being….Consequently people with money and power are living in a world made of false promises and false expectations … From the time we are born we are being bombarded of how money and wealth can lead us to happiness and to prosperity.Think now…How is it easier to experience true love in this life? Love has nothing to do with material things I hope that everyone agrees to that…So if our lives are full of material needs and consuming thoughts linked to our ‘piece of mind’ , inevitably Love will always be linked and compared and confused  with the biggest diamond gift, the newest game for the Playstation , the most expensive night at the most expensive hotel and NEVER with the real nature of Love….
Lets get back now to you (or me)…. We have nothing except the basics…But if for one moment – and I am sure that these moments have been there to your lives as they have been for me too- draw the line and stop envying the rich and all the values that the system imported to our lives , I am sure ,SURE, that we will obtain the highest emotion in this life…..FREEDOM! We are FREE! We can love our partners not because of their money and their power and what they can do for us , but because they are our brothers and sisters and we share the same values of Love,Peace,Freedom….We can show our children what real Love is , real Freedom  that has nothing to do with just one Christmas gift. We can be together because we share the same ground , the same dreams , the same thoughts not because of the next golf game we have to play. And from this situation , we can make our lives better…. We can organize our actions, we can boycott their establishments, we can try to bring our future closer to our nature….And for me our Nature is Love,Peace,Freedom….
We have to be together….Poverty is our weapon….But instead of taking lives it just changes them…
Stop identifying Happiness with Wealth! Stop dreaming of being like them...Stop helping them to grow more and more...
Stop asking Why……
Start shouting NOW!

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