Nowadays, it is indeed an art being a hypocrite... Were we still waiting for THIS proof though, to understand that we are being governed by such artists? At least, something seems moving... Can't decide yet to which direction and to be honest I am afraid that it is not towards the good one... We are fed up of everything, I know, but we have to have a PLAN! And there is a huge gap there... We need change and revolutions against the poverty, the diseases and the misery of the 70% of our world and not a revolution from our safe and warm ''civilized'' hometowns (yes they are SAFE and WARM) against 'I don't know what but it is cool'... I am afraid again, that this could be really dangerous... take a look at the police forces everywhere in the world... their reactions... if we have nothing solid and important to demand we just give food to their police state to grow bigger and bigger until total control...
So let's think a bit more before we act... Dip your tongues in your brains before you talk... Find reasons to react by comparing yourselves to the majority of this planet... Look in the mirror, and wash with Truth, the hypocrisy off your own face too...
Keep the Faith